KIDS: 2nd Grader + 3 year old
MY DAY JOB: Marketing and communications consultant
I JOINED PTO BECAUSE... I was so impressed with everything the PTO does to support FV when my daughter first started, and I knew I wanted to get involved and help.
WHAT I'M MOST EXCITED ABOUT THIS YEAR: Holiday bazaar and the auction!

Danielle McGee
KIDS: 5th Grader + 3rd Grader
MY DAY JOB: Mom + Pharmaceutical Trade & Distribution
I JOINED PTO BECAUSE...I wanted to become more involved in our boys' education and contribute to our FV family.
WHAT I'M MOST EXCITED ABOUT THIS YEAR: I am excited to plan and volunteer for the fun events and fundraisers, and the surprise popsicle Fridays that create so many smiles!
Claire Lacy
KIDS: 4th Grader + Kindergartener
MY DAY JOB: Environmentalist
I JOINED PTO BECAUSE...I wanted to get involved in the PTO to meet more members of the school community and to provide support for the numerous activities!
WHAT I'M MOST EXCITED ABOUT THIS YEAR: Developing the outdoor classroom into a prosperous permaculture garden!

Alex Collins-Lee
KIDS: 3rd Grader+ 1st Grader + 3 year old
MY DAY JOB: Dragon tamer, former teacher and mom
I JOINED PTO BECAUSE... I wanted to get involved in the school and in the community. I didn't understand how crucial parent involvement was to the school until my eldest started kindergarten and wanted to do my part in helping to create that rarified small experience for all of the kids.
WHAT I'M MOST EXCITED ABOUT THIS YEAR: Fall Festival, Ocean's Week and watching all of the kids engage in the fun various activities throughout the year.

First Tuesday of the Month at 6:30PM
The Friends of Farallone Parent Teacher Organization's (FOFPTO) mission is to enrich the educational experience of children at Farallone View Elementary School and foster a sense of community.
As a PTO, our goal is to provide each student with a variety of enrichment experiences as well as to support our teachers so they can continue delivering a high-quality curriculum that challenges and inspires.
If you are a parent, grandparent, or guardian of a Farallone View student, then you are automatically part of the PTO. No membership or dues of any kind is needed. Welcome!
As a PTO, our goal is to provide each child with a variety of enrichment experiences as well as support our teachers so they can continue delivering high-quality curriculum that challenges and inspires. Our 2022-23 FOFPTO budget is $111,500

Sara Neale McGregor
KIDS: 5th Grader
MY DAY JOB: Farm/IGP Educator - The HEAL Project
I JOINED PTO BECAUSE... I wanted to be involved and take an active role in our daughter's education and in our school's amazing community.
WHAT I'M MOST EXCITED ABOUT THIS YEAR: For the students to have a return to normal - be in the classroom, attend their special classes and experience FV events like Ocean's Week, as well as establishing some new ones - yay Move-a-thon!

Kristi Gillis
KIDS: 4th Grader
MY DAY JOB: Engineering Program Manager
I JOINED PTO BECAUSE...Being a mom has been the greatest joy of my life. Helping my son in every way I can is incredibly important to me. I'm really glad to have the opportunity to help him, his classmates and the wonderful teachers and staff of Farallone View.
WHAT I'M MOST EXCITED ABOUT THIS YEAR: Seeing the outdoor classroom continue to grow and Ocean's Week!

Joanna Scharff-Durand
KIDS: 1st Grader + 4th Grader
MY DAY JOB: Mom and Farm/IGP Educator- The HEAL Project
I JOINED PTO BECAUSE... The first PTO meeting I attended was amazing. I felt inspired by a wonderful group of people to work with them and the fantastic staff to make a difference in children’s lives.
WHAT I'M MOST EXCITED ABOUT THIS YEAR: I look forward to working with the Farallone View Family to bring happiness and success to everyone with communication and dedication.

KIDS: 1st Grader and future TKer
MY DAY JOB: Biomarker Operations
I JOINED PTO BECAUSE... I wanted to help our public school and children
WHAT I'M MOST EXCITED ABOUT THIS YEAR: All of the great activities scheduled

Rebecca Jeffs
KIDS: junior at HMBHS + freshman in college
MY DAY JOB: 2nd Grade Teacher at Farallone View

Whitney Lee Dewar
KIDS: 3rd Grader + Kindergartener + 8th Grader
MY DAY JOB: owner of Coastside Canines
I JOINED PTO BECAUSE... I want to help the great work the PTO does

Sherri Hall
KIDS: three kiddos from college and beyond
MY DAY JOB: Kindergarden Teacher at Farallone View

KIDS: Any kid, any age at Farallone View
I JOINED PTO BECAUSE... I wanted to learn more about the school and its programs.
FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I love my kids and want their school to be the best it can be. I don’t have a lot of time, but I do what I can, and that’s enough!